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Social Issue

In my neighborhood there are many children. It is often my responsibility to watch them and supervise them being that I am the oldest. But when it comes down to things little kids aren't always fun to be around. They get into fight and argue. In my photos there is a little girl named Mashela and you twin brother Malakai. There is also my little buddy Xan. I thought him soccer when he was five and now we play all the time, he is very good. And there is Xan friend Tai, he is kinda a brat. And some other little boy, I don't really know who he is I just took a photo of him. But when Im out with the kids the boys often gang up on the one girl. They say they are better than her and she comes to me to back her up. I told her she needs to defend herself and she said quote, “we are both kids, and we are both humans. Everyone has their specialties but that doesn't make us better than someone else.” I thought that was very amazing that this little girl could say something so big. I agree with her very much. I feel as a whole we all spend to much time talking about other people and their flaws. We judge people on how they look and dress and even how they talk. We are all humans we all have our flaws and insecurities that we don't like to talk about or acknowledge so we talk about other people's flaws and expect them to change and be how we want them to be. Maybe its time we all put our own flaws on the table and work on them. We need to start trying to change ourselves before we try to changes others.


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