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If you have seen or read other Artist’s Statement then you might have heard someone once say “photography is like a time machine” or “ I like photography because it's a way for me to save time”. That's kinda how I feel about photography.

My goal is to take a magical photo that will savor the moment as time wears it away. I was inspired to take photos by my mother. My family and I always tried to get her to go pro because she loved it and she was good at it. She never did but instead she taught me. In a big way I'm still learning but my artistic view is different from hers. But then again everyone has their own artistic view. I enjoy capturing photo that involve landscapes. I enjoy capturing natures beauty before its ruined by weather and time. I also enjoy portraits, I like capturing everyone different facial details. When you look at someones face in a pic, you can't help but wonder what they are feeling.

I have yet to get a great photo but all the photos that I do have are analog photos. I produce them in a dark room at my school. To be honest it is the most cosmic things I have seen so far. The way the chemicals reveal the photo is just super awesome. And the film strips, they make me feel like I'm bringing somthing back. I don't know about you but when I was little I would find old film strips at my grandmas and they always interested me. That's also why I want to take photos. I want to be able to have captured a time in my life and to be able to hold it. When I'm old and grey and my kids are out taking photos I will sit there filled with fading memories, but have a concrete time in my hands.



About me

My name is Aliya and I'm still trying to figure myself out and I have learned that art is a great way to do that. “. . .sometimes one feels  more free speaking to a stranger than to people one knows. Why is that?"
“Probably because a stranger sees us the way we are, not as he wishes to think we are.” Carlos Ruiz Zafón

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